I took the chance to take some more picures of the sunset today. I particularly liked this one, nothing to do with the sunset :).
6 miles = 9.656064 kilometers
30 days to go for the Great Aloha Run and I am 2.15 miles short of the goal. I am planning on increasing 0.25 miles every day, that will take me to 8.15 miles in ~9 days. I should confess that I take a couple of breaks (walking instead of running) in the middle. I guess, if I roughly calculated my running distance, it would come up to ~5.8 miles. I believe running is all about self control. I realized that if I could persuade my mind, I can actually run longer. But the mind is such a devil :). It constantly keeps nagging “You are out of breath, your legs cannot carry you further, you’r pushing the limit, you are going to collapse”. If you can tell it to shut the hell up, you are golden :).
Zaurus – More Pictures
More from the previous post. I collected some more pictures from the Zaurus migration. Didn’t want to post all of them to conserve bandwidth. For the interested, here are the links
Zaurus – English ROM
I bought a Sharp Zaurus 760 from Japan through one of my friends a couple of months back. This model is not sold in the US and I have been wanting to get my hands on it for a long time. I was well aware of the fact that the interface was all in Japanese, but since it runs Linux, I was confident of being able to hack it and change the locale settings. And there are a lot of enthusiast sites on the Internet which have information about this. Well, I got the PDA or rather Personal Mobile Tool (as Sharp likes to call it) and changed the locale settings by following the instructions in the following links
Although I got most of the settings and menu options converted into English, I was still not satisfied. I wanted to modify the ROM to a complete english setting. Unfortunately, I am not such a Linux Guru (aspire to become one 🙂 ). Months passed by and as happens with such toys, it started piling dust until I came upon this site. They claimed to have a completely customized ROM with english. It was 11:00 PM in the night and the battery on the Zaurus was completely drained. Well, such goodies shouldn’t be kept waiting :). So I charged the batteries for ~ 15 minutes and got to work. Here is what I did
1) Download the ROM image from Cacko.biz.
2) Follow instructions found here.
3) Reboot the Zaurus and presto… you have an English ROM
Note: Apparently you cannot start up the Zaurus if your battery is completely dead although it is connected to an AC power source. You will have to wait at least 15-20 minutes for the batteries to charge up partially. Weird..
Here is a screenshot of the Zaurus running Netfront. It is connected to the Internet with a prism wireless card.
That is the original screen size (640X480 pixels!!). Isn’t that impressive. I just cannot understand why Sharp doesn’t release these great PDAs in the US. They do have the Zaurus 5xxx series for sale over here.
Thanks to the Cacko Group, I now have an english version of the ROM. The same group has a X11 based distribution for the Zaurus. I will try that sometime next week. If you are having trouble getting to the main site (it is damn slow!!!), try this mirror site.
How many kilometers in a mile??
Ever wondered about such questions? How about “How many liters in 20 gallons?”. Well, the almighty Google is right there to help you. One of the little knows features of Google is it’ calculator functionality. Type in “20 gallons in liters” in the google search box and see what you get. Hope you understand why Google is my homepage 🙂 now.
UPDATED (3/28/2006) :
Looks like a lot of people are getting to this post by searching for the number of kilometers per mile in Yahoo. Just so that you don’t have to go somewhere else :), here’s the data
1 MILE = 1.609344 KILOMETERS
1 KILOMETER = 0.621371192 MILES
1 KILO = 2.20462262 POUNDS
1 POUND = 0.45359237 KILOS
Larry the lobster – Ocean to Kitchen
Brian is an avid scuba diver. His typical routine is Work – Home – Dive – Work – Home – Dive … He is even working on getting a rescue diver license. He usually finds interesting stuff during his diving trips, so when he tells me that he found something “special”, I was expecting a shell or something like that. Little did I know that I was in for a treat today :). So without further audue, here we go
[Brian with his catch of the day.]
[Me, taking the chance to pose with a lobster.]
[Larry – The Lobster]
[Colorful food.]
[In he goes :)]
[Out he comes]
[And right onto the table]
Yummy… To quote Brian “Hey man, he was at the wrong place at the wrong time” :). Sorry Larry.
I am big anime fan. Blame Cartoon Network for that. Although Cartoon Network shows some good anime, there are a lot of undiscovered gems out there. And people with phat pipes need not look far. Check out this great site. I am nearly done getting Inuyasha. Now have to figure out how to play the OGM files. But that is a story for another post.
I was asked by one of my friends, how he could get the top 10 processes in a Unix system. I knew of the usual commands “top”and “ps” and never thought of how you could just get the top 10. Interestingly there is a command called “head“. So if you wanted the top 10 processes you would use “ps -auxw | head“. “man head” returns the following
head – output the first part of files
head [OPTION]… [FILE]…
Print first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. With more than
one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name. With no
FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.
How ironical
I came across this news item on the BBC’ website. Isn’t it amazing that we need studies and scientific findings nowadays to come to common sense deductions. Is there a sane person in this world who doesn’t know that we are pillaging mother earth? But still we try to cover up by saying that there “isn’t enough evidence“. But I guess it is human nature. Once we get used to comforts in life, it is pretty hard to give them up.
After all this ranting, I go and get two 19” pizzas just because they have a 2 for $22 special. And we wonder why we are fat!!!!