Thanks for this great nugget from Sumama Waheed
Many a time, you get some data as a CSV file and need to copy some of that data and include it in a SQL statement. For instance one of the rows in the CSV was first name in the format below
employee_id 1234 8765 9808 1235 8734 6723
And you need to put it in a SQL statement as below
SELECT * FROM employee_table WHERE employee_table.employee_id IN (1234, 8765, 9808, 1235, 8734, 6723)
That’s a lot of adding commas (,) at the end of every line. You can do it quickly in Notepad++ (you can do the same in any editor that supports regex) using the regex capability in search and replace using ($) as the search string and $, as the replace string.

I recommend Codelobster editor –