
Tools of the trade :

Anyone working in IT Operations, knows that numbers are really important :). Esp, numbers showing availability, downtime, response time etc. I have used, several tools and services during my career to capture these numbers, but have never come across a service that is cost effective and reliable at the same time. I discovered, while was evaluating some products from their parent company AdventNet. offers external monitoring for your key network components, at the fraction of the price charged by others in area. I wouldn’t put them on the same scale as Gomez or Keynote, but for they are very reasonable for the features they offer. Also, while they are lacking in the customer service area per se, they are very quick to add features based on feedback. I provided them (and I am sure several others) some feedback on adding a feature to have setup scheduled maintenance (so that it doesn’t skew with the availability numbers) for the services monitored and they added the feature in less than a month.

If you are looking, for a reasonably priced monitoring service, look no further..


AOL has finally decided to officially nix Netscape. I don’t know, what took them such a long time to make this decision. The only good thing that came out of the takeover of Netscape by AOL, was Firefox. If only AOL saw the writing on the wall and made this decision sooner, they might have been able to save some jobs!!. But, oh well, I guess that is what the folks with 6 digit salaries get to make decisions for :)..

This just shows, how fast stakes can change in the Internet world. At one time, Netscape looked it was invincible..and then came along Internet Explorer by Microsoft.  I somehow see the same situation with Microsoft and Google. The good part is that we, as consumers, come out as winners.

Update – Loosing Weight.

I have been regularly working out for the last 4 weeks and man what a difference it makes :).. When I started off, I could barely run for 5 minutes without panting like a dog.. Am up to 35 minutes now and can run ~3 miles without stopping. Long way to go before I can do a marathon.. but a good start.

I also successfully lost 5 lbs as promised. Now the goal is to loose another 10 lbs before end of Jan 08. I should mention that it makes a big difference in energy levels and the way you consume food. Even though, you don’t go on a diet per se, just that fact that you are working out makes you eat less and more conscious of what you are eating. I guess, you finally realize, how difficult, it is to burn off those 100 calories from the small pop can :)..

Graph from Traineo showing the results of the last 1 months workout…

Traineo : Workout..

An evening at the airport..

6:00 PM – Arrive at O’Hare. Flight was scheduled to depart at 9:20 PM.. As I check in, I realize that the flight is delayed by 30 min.. No big deal right.. Check in my luggage.

6:30 PM – Get past security in a record breaking 2 minutes. That was my best record :).. Check the monitors and realize that the 6:30 PM flight is delayed by 30 minutes too.. Run 0.25 miles to the gate and stand in line..

7:00 PM – The agent keeps yelling in them mike that they are not taking any more passengers on the standby list. I persist and don’t give up..

7:15 PM – There is 1 remaining seat in the flight and I am the only one remaining standing.. (reminds me of a cowboy shootout for some reason!!). I hand over my ticket in hope to the agent and she gives me my ticket.. I am so happy that I am actually getting to my destination earlier!!.. Alas, I had to ask the stupid question “What is going to happen to my luggage”.. The agent gasps and pulls the ticket away from my hands “Young man!! How naughty of you. You thought you could fly without your luggage!! You have to take your original flight.. which by the way is delayed by 1 hour now.”

7:30 PM – I sigh in despair and headed over to the food court… Glance through all the stalls and settle on the “Billy Goats” tavern. Get a hotdog, fries and a cold bud light.. As I eat and glance around me, I realize how many cultures, one can see at the airport. There are some women, in head scarfs and skirts (Sudanese??) munching on some McDonalds grub.. Right next to them is a South Asian dude, trying to look hip in his Gap attire. And by him is a gum chewing teenager with a slogan “I am blogging this” on her chest..And she seems to be taking incospicous pictures with her mobile phone..

8:30 PM – Complete “Mr.Sampath” by R.K.Narayan.. The beer had gotten warm by now and I had to discard it. BTW, R.K.Narayan is one of the most gifted authors, I have read so far.. He is a natural storyteller. You do have to have an understanding of Indian culture and history to turely enjoy his stories though..

9:00 PM – I pick up my gear and get to the new gate, just to realize that the gate has been changeg again.. Lug my bags to the new gate.. Wait in line for the agent to give me a seat no. Just as it is my chance to speak with the agent, she decides that she has to go and serve another gate!!!

10:00 PM – More wandering in the hallways of O’hare in search of a power strip, so that I can at least watch a movie on my laptop.. They should really provide more power outlets in the airport for the passengers. And free wi-fi, while they are at it. I think, it would be a nice idea to create a website and/or page with listings of the freely available power outlets in the airport… Another business idea, that will never get realized!! :)..

10:15 PM – The flight is delayeg agian.. It is going to leave at 11:00 PM now.

10:30 PM – Finally find, a seat in the “Sprint sponsored laptop center” next to an old couple.. Think they have been married for ever and am impressed by their dedication to each other.. The old man struggles to get up as they leave and I offer to help…”No sir, I don’t need any help. But thank you though!!”.

10:40 PM – The gate is still not open.. I start to think if I am ever going to fly today. Scroll over to the gate and see the dreaded message “Flight Delayed.. Departure time 11:22 PM”!!. Just for the record, I was originally planning on driving. The drive would have taken ~10 hours and flight is supposed to last 1.5 hours. At this rate, it might have been better to drive. At least, I am in control of my own destiny..

10:45 PM – Complete first episode of Cowboy Bebop. If you are into Anime, you will know that this is a classic. This series was my introduction into the Anime world and I still cherish it..The blond girl and the hispanic guy in the “Big Shot – Bouty Hunters” TV show crack me up. BTW, that is a TV show in the series.. Here’s a screen shot from the series..

Cowboy Bebop - BigShot

11:00 PM – Looks like the flight timing hasn’t changed.. Decide to use the restroom, before I board the flight and note this new gadgetry in the restroom..

O'Hare Airport : Restroom Device

How cool is that?

11:20 PM – Finally board the flight and on route to my destination!!! Happy Holidays  :)..

Loosing weight!!

Most people make their resolutions around the New Year. My resolution to loose weight and get into shape came around when I went on vacation with my family over the thanksgiving weekend. We went to the Grand Bear Resort in Utica, IL for the holidays. The resort had a indoors waterpark and when I got ready to get into the water, I felt ashamed to undress because of my shape :). I came up with a resolution than and there to get into shape. I was never a fit person, but the two marathons I ran in 2004 and 2005 forced me to work out and as a result, feel good about myself. I want to take up running again and hopefully fullfill my lifelong dream of learning to swim and complete a tri-athlon.

My sister and brother-in-law were good sports and decided to keep me motivated by announcing that they were going to loose weight along with me. We have a small bet going along to keep us on our toes. I wanted to find a tool, which would keep us connected with each other about our progress. My search lead to several sites, that would do this.. and I finally decided on Traineo ( It is a web 2.0 site that allows you to keep track of your goals and progress. Very cool..

Now.. the real challenge is to loose those flabs :).. Wish me luck!!!

I just cannot resist it..

I promised to myself to post at least once a month on this blog :-).. So this post is to remind myself about this promise and fulfill the 1 post per month obligation :).. Alright.. I am cheating :).

Boney M : Greatest Group Ever

I first listened to music by Boney M, when I was a kid and the impact of the catchy tunes was so profound that I can still recite them :). I finally ran into some of their videos on Youtube. And boy, can Booby Farrell dance :). Here are some of the videos for your pleasure.

Boney M – Daddy Cool :
Boney M – Ma Baker :
Boney M – Brown Girl in the Ring :