
A case of reverse engineering

As I noted in my last post, I recently ran the Shamrock shuffle 8K. The official pictures for most of the races in US are taken by Marathonfoto. You can go to their website after the race, put in your Bib no and get a preview of the photos that can then be ordered from them. In previous years, I was happy with just taking the thumbnail of the picture and sharing it with my friends. Looks like the Marathonfoto folks decided to “beef” up their security this year and put a annoying “Proof” across the picture. When you log into the site, it shows a list of all the pictures they took of you.. the list looks like this

Clicking on any of the thumbnails brings up a popup looks like

Here’s what I did to get rid of the “Proof” text

  • Checked the page source of the popup and figured that it was a flash application. Clever way of obfuscating the link to the source image..
  • Knowing that the flash application would use generic HTTP connections in the background, I fired up “WireShark“, a traffic capture and analyzer tool, and clicked on the thumbnail again to fire up the popup.
  • An analysis of the traffic showed that the flash app was calling out a particular URL to get the image. Here’s a screenshot of the analysis by Wireshark.

  • Fire up a browser window and directly access the image with the URL from the traffic capture to get it without the “Proof” text :).. The original image looks like this.

Google does it again..

The almighty Google has come out with a new toy for me to play with :). I don’t claim, that I am a programmer by any means, but like to dabble in scripting now and then. So, I was really excited to see this new simple API from Google for creating charts. I can already imagine, how this can be used in generating some cool reports. Here’s my “Hello World” graph using the API.

Vinay Rocks

The code I used to generate this graph is


Looks like some smart and entrepenuring programmer is already making some money out of this API :). Check out this link for a very cool and smart implementation of the API



AOL has finally decided to officially nix Netscape. I don’t know, what took them such a long time to make this decision. The only good thing that came out of the takeover of Netscape by AOL, was Firefox. If only AOL saw the writing on the wall and made this decision sooner, they might have been able to save some jobs!!. But, oh well, I guess that is what the folks with 6 digit salaries get to make decisions for :)..

This just shows, how fast stakes can change in the Internet world. At one time, Netscape looked it was invincible..and then came along Internet Explorer by Microsoft.  I somehow see the same situation with Microsoft and Google. The good part is that we, as consumers, come out as winners.

WordPress 2.1.x and FAlbum issues

I use the FAlbum plugin for WordPress to display pictures from my Flickr account on this site. When I upgraded WordPress (the publishing platform that powers this blog) to v.2.1.3 from v.2.0.9, I noticed that I couldn’t see pictures from my Flickr account on the site anymore. On further digging, I saw an error message in the admin page for FAlbum that the Flickr Key was not valid any longer. I tried to reauthorize FAlbum on Flickr, but that didn’t work either. Googling for the error message “( [stat] => fail [code] => 100 [message] => Invalid API Key (Key has expired)” didn’t turn up any useful pages. So, I tried something I haven’t done for a while :), I visited the support forums for FAlbum and found the issue right on the first page. It looks like Flickr had expired FAlbums Key for some reason without any explanation. The author suggested using a new key and I was up and running in a few minutes. Just a reminder, that Google is still not the omni persent God :).

Now, you can go back to enjoying “My Pictures” :).

Internet Radio : As you like it

Tired of listening to Radio stations that might or not play what you want to hear? Try Pandora (www.pandora.com). Pandora claims it’s sole mission to be “To help you discover new music you’ll love”. The founders of Pandora have analyzed more than 60 years of music and created a sophisticated taxonomy of musical information. If you specify an artist or song, Pandora creates a unique radio station based on a Musical Genome of the song/artist/band. And to top it all off, it is completely free :). I love the sleek and simple flash interface too. I would love to take a look at how they keep up with streaming all that content across the Internet.

Update : Some Googling lead me to this article in Computerworld which speaks about some of the technology used to power Pandora.com. Looks like they use OpenLszlo.The programming approach is as elegant as the site :).

Project PresidentFeed

I came across a new project by one of my old colleagues, Tim O’Brien, called PresidentFeed.com when I saw another colleague mention it in his blog. Tim is one of the smartest people I have come across in my career. Not only is he a great technologist but he also takes an interest in politics (which more and more people seem to do less and less of 🙂 ). He built this new website, that aggregates information on all the 2008 presidential candidates and also lets you cast your vote for them. Obama has the largest number of votes and highest approval ratings.. Go Obama!!! . Get your mouse over to this site and take part in shaping the free world :).

HOW TO : View Chat logs in Adium

Adium is a multi protocol instant messaging application for the Mac OS X. I have been using it on my MacBook for a while now and think it is a fantastic example of how powerful open source can be. I was trying to figure out how to look at the chat logs on Adium. Some Googling helped me figure it out.. :). To view the chat logs on Adium, you can type “Apple Button + l” or click on “Contact -> View Chat Transcripts” in the menu.

HOW TO : Cognos Installation

I tried setting up Cognos (Business Intelligence tool mainly used for reporting) on a test machine for Lakshmi to play around with. After going through the install, I can say with confidence that Cognos has some of the worst documentation :). Here are some quick tips that you won’t find in the official documentation for someone trying to configure Cognos BI 8.x on a Win2k3 server running MS SQL 2005 and IIS 6.0.

  1. After installing Cognos, run the “Cognos Configuration” tool and change the “Gateway URI” setting to “http://servername:portnumber/cognos8/cgi-bin/cognosisapi.dll” in the environment section.
  2. Edit the default.htm and index.htm file in the “< cognos install directory >\cognos\c8\webcontent” directory and replace cognos.cgi with cognosisapi.dll
  3. Open ISS manager and go to Web Service Extension. Add a new web service extension called isapi and add cognosisapi.dll as a required file. Make sure to set the extension status to Allowed.

This should enable you to launch cognos and log into the web interface.