
Can you still write?

i.e. Can you still write with your hand? I ran across this article ( on the BBC, which predicts that we will have forgotten the art of handwriting in another 100 years or so. Imagine, a specialist having to decipher handwritten notes, although I should confess that I think it takes a specialist to read my handwriting now :).

As with most people of my age, I actually went through a formal “handwriting” class. I remember, we used to have special assignments, where all you did was write 🙂 . I used to write a lot of handwritten letters during my childhood, but as I grew up and started to use computers, my need to hand write something became less and less. If I remember correctly, the last handwritten letter I wrote was ~6 years ago!! It is so easy to type up an e-mail and send it off, but writing a letter makes you think and reflect on what you are writing. I do miss it 🙂

Speaking of things that are going to be “things of past”, I also think that most of the regional languages in this world will fade away in another 200-300 years. Everyone will speak some form of English :)..

So when was the last time, you wrote something (meaningful) with a pen or pencil?

I am a Disco Dancer..

What am I listening to now a days on my runs? This classic from the 1982 movie “Disco Dancer“..

Love the bling bling shiny dress of Mithun and the side kick girls with their saxophones and shorts 🙂

Check out two crazy moves… One is at 4:35 and the other at 7:10

And yes.. I love Disco 🙂

Never give up..

Ran across this story on the BBC ( about a 68 year old women in South Korea, who has attempted to get a car driving learning permit for the last 3 years. She attempted the exam 771 times, but hasn’t been able to score the minimum required score. What did she say, after failing again? “I will continue trying!!”.

All of us run into difficult situations from time to time. It can be a simple thing as trying to give up on a favorite food to reduce weight or attempting to reach a certain position in your career. And many times than not, we just give up.

I printed this news story and posted it in my office to remind me every day.. “Never Give Up!!”

P.S : Yes.. I do get my news from the BBC 🙂

2009 Superbowl

The only cool thing that came out of the 2009 Superbowl (Other than the fact, that the Cardinals played their heart out.. but still lost), were the 3D ads!! Dreamworks and NBC partnered up with Pepsi to show two ads in 3D after the first half.. I don’t know if the hype generated by the ads justified the millions of dollars spent to create them.. I am sure the picture below was reflected in most of the households across America 🙂

Thx to Sri and Kirthi for hosting this year’s Superbowl party.. The Guacamole and Haleem were yummy..Pictures from the party (

Можете ли Вы мне помочь?

Если вы из России, вы можете мне помочь найти это стихотворение Пушкина? Я считаю, что имеет несколько линий, как этого ..
“Lublu ya vas..
..Chivo ze bolshe”

You know you are addicted…

  • When you check your blackberry every minute, even when there is no e-mail waiting for you..
  • When you are in a social gathering and keep checking your blackberry rather than mingle with people..
  • When you are in a drive-thru lane at a fast food place and have to think “I will not check my blackberry until, I get to the window and get my food” (that takes an average of 30 seconds!!)..

I think I need to get some help here :-).. And looks like this is not a new phenomenon.. Here are some stories about the addiction

Any ideas? 🙂

Why I added 5lbs of weight in 3 weeks…

Five Guys, a burger chain from the east coast opened their first franchise in Chicago… If you want some fresh juicy burgers and peanuts to eat while the burger is being made, this is the place to go to. I first tasted the Five Guys burger when I was in Washington DC, a couple of years ago, on work.. I thought how cool, it would be to open one in Chicago. Looks like some enterprising entrepreneur actually took my idle thought and opened one :-).. It is located at 2140 N. Clybourn Ave.

Coming to the title of this post.. Why did I add 5 lbs of weight? These three pictures should tell you why..




OK.. That is my friend Rich.. but you get the idea :-)..

Be careful what you put up on Facebook..

Ran across this story on BBC ( about a women being stabbed to death by her husband because she changed her status to “single” from “married” on Facebook.. WTF?????  What is wrong with people!!

Morale of the story : Be careful.. what you put up on the Internet.. :-).

P.S : As you can see.. that rule doesn’t apply to me :-).