Welcoming 2010

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 🙂 and hooping this new year will bring you joy, luck and health. Isn’t it amazing how quickly the first decade of the 21st century passed away. I usually don’t make new year resolutions, but last year for some reason, I decided to. Here’s a recap of them

Write at least 3 times a week on this blog

How did I do with this? Not as well as I wanted to. Here’s a chart showing the postings per month

I started well in January, but then as with most new year resolutions it didn’t last for more than a month :). But I started picking up again at the end of the year. Hope I can continue the trend.

Run one half marathon ever month in a different state

Don’t laugh :).. seriously this was something I have been wanting to do for a long time and I thought this was the year. But alas little did I know that I had to work so many weekends :). I barely managed to run 3 half marathons and that too in only two neighboring states. Won’t make any promises..but hope to do better next year. I should mention that I did register for 3 races in different states for the first three months of 2009.. Just didn’t make it to the races 🙂

Even though I didn’t stick with my resolutions, 2009 was an interesting year. Accomplished a lot at work, but more importantly gained a life partner :).

Morale of the story.. Don’t make resolutions. Just do it!! :).