Wishing everyone [me, myself and Vinay ;)] a Happy New Year. Hope we realize all our dreams and even more. Okay, I give up. I am not such an eloquent writer. I spent the New Year eve in a pretty unusual [for me] way. I was at a bar/club called the “W”. I usually spend New Year’ eve with family or with friends watching fireworks. This was a different experience. It was strange to be standing in the middle of strangers and yelling “Happy New Year” to myself :). I think I will stick with the fireworks next time.
And just when you think that blogging is the coolest thing in the world, Fotologgin [That is a word made up by me] comes along. I came upon this site by chance and one of the most interesting fotolog was about food.. The author apparently posts every meal he eats. I was not only fascinated by the subject but also by the artistic talent. Worth checking out..
I made it..
I forgot to post it yesterday, but I finally made it across my 1.5 mile barrier :). Yesterday night [or to be precise today morning] at ~1:30AM I had a strange urge to run. And run I did like Forest Gump ;). I was able to jog for 2 miles without a rest!! I don’t know if it was the cool night or the empty beach that did it. I hope I will be able to finish a real marathon someday.
It's been a while
Let’s blame it on running :). You see, I try to run regularly. I have improved from nothing to ~1.5 miles now. And I found that everyday I run, I am more consious of my health [I guess because you realize how painful it is to loose those extra inches 😉 ], I watch what I eat and I even try to clean up my room (!!!). So for the last week or so I haven’t been running. I have been putting it off by saying.. there is always tomorrow. I finally got my lazy a$%# off the couch and went running today. So here I am, your ever faithful :).
Well..a lot has happened in the last week. The Cubs have turned from heros to loosers. If any of you watched the 7th game, I pity you :). I didn’t even have the heart to watch the game. I was too nervous. And then there was the whole fiasco in the 6th game with the fan who tried to catch a ball as a sovenier. I feel so sorry for that guy. It is amazing how many details of this personal life have been released into the public. He should seriously consider leaving the city :).
And another great show by the CUBs :). One more game and we make it to the world series. It is so close guys, don’t screw this up :).
Taste of Kapolei – II
I was so tired by the time I got back home that I didn’t have any energy to make it to the taste. I did notice that quite a few people [taking Hawaii’ population into context :)] turned up for it. Will try to make it next year.
Note: Why do we always postpone things?? :).
I love toys :). I have a collection of Bionicles, the Dark Lord and some other stuff. I love the look on peoples face when they see the toys on my desk. Coming to the reason for this posting. I was introduced to Kindereggs while I was going to school in Russia. I not only love the chocolate shell, but also the surprise toys you get in them. I was disappointed to know that they don’t sell them in the US due to safety issues. The toys in the eggs are quite small and there is a possibility that children can swallow them. During my usual nocturnal surfing, I came across this item on ebay. How can a true Kinderegg lover resist that :). I put a bid in. Lets see if I win. Now, all I have to do it find more place on my cramped desk ;).
A Happy Dassera
Wish you all a Happy Dassera. I miss all the fun and festivities back home. It has been more than a decade since I have celebrated an Indian festival properly. For the uninitiated, festivals in India mean new clothes, day off and meeting friends and relatives. We have too many festivals in India and too many days off :).
Taste of Kapolei
I recently moved from Chicago to Hawaii to pursue my career. Thanks to my good friend, Brian, I get to live pretty close to work. I noticed today that these guys here are trying to mimic The Taste of Chicago, appropriately called Taste of Kapolei. Only difference is that you buy a single $60 ticket. Don’t know if that entitles you to unlimited food or not?? Have to try it out. Will post an update of I do go there.