
HOW TO : Sync git clients across workstations using dropbox

I have recently started using git as a source control for the various scrips that I write. As I also mentioned in this post, I use dropbox to synchronize my data across workstations. Here is my setup for synchronizing git clients across multiple workstations using the same SSH keys (note: this is not a recommended setup from a security prospective. you are recommended to generate different SSH key pairs per workstation to ensure one key getting lost doesn’t compromise your entire account).

  1. Workstation 1
    1. create a directory under your dropbox root, that you want to use as your git home directory. Say DROPBOX/git
    2. Install Git for Windows, or whatever git client you want to use
    3. Change the home path on the git client by executing [code]HOME=’PATH_TO_DROPBOX/DROPBOX/git’ [/code]
    4. Check if the home path has been changed by executing [code]echo $HOME[/code]
    5. Create your SSH keys and configure your public key on the git server
  2. Workstation 2
    1. Repeat and rinse step 1 – 4 specified for workstation 1. You don’t need to create the SSH keys since the other clients will recognize the keys that dropbox would have synced up.

Project Uptime : Progress Report 6 : Tweaking Varnish

The server has held up pretty well, since the installation of varnish. Based on this wiki post, I added the following to /etc/varnish/default.vcl

# Drop any cookies sent to WordPress.
sub vcl_recv {
if (!(req.url ~ "wp-(login|admin)")) {
unset req.http.cookie;

# Drop any cookies WordPress tries to send back to the client.
sub vcl_fetch {
if (!(req.url ~ "wp-(login|admin)")) {
unset beresp.http.set-cookie;

I think the comments are pretty self explanatory.

Thank you Mr.Tramiel, for introducing me to the world of computers..

When I was ~9 years old, my dad bought home a Commodore 64K. It was slow.. it was terrible graphics and it took for ever to load a program using it’s “tape” drive. But boy was it fascinating to load up basic and write your own programs!!. I can’t say how many summer hours were spent staring at the screen and trying to get things to work.

Looking back, I can say that I probably wouldn’t have been in the technology field, if not for that first taste of computing.

Thank you Mr.Tramiel. RIP.

HOW TO : Redirect web traffic based on URL patterns in Apache

Apache configuration to redirect traffic to a particular URL based on the pattern in the URL (AKA URI). In this particular example, I want to redirect any traffic that does not have the URL starting with /application or /content to redirect to https://domain_name/application

  • Enable the rewrite module in Apache
  • Add the following conditions in the conf file[code]RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(application|content) [NC]
    RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}/application [R,L]

Explanation of the rule

  • ! implies match if the string is not found
  • ^ implies start of string
  • | implies OR
  • [NC] implies not case sensitive (no case)
  • The rule will be triggered if the conditions match
  • [R,L] means external (client side) redirection and last rule to process

Viva la resistance

I have a confession to make.. I like Big Macs and Krispy Kreme Donuts :). And they have contributed heavily to the increase in my .. hmm.. how do I say this.. mid section :). Plus, it doesn’t help that there is a Krispy Kreme factory and a McDonald’s right on my way to work. And add on to the fact that I haven’t been running for the last year or so, I am proud to say that I have joined the >65% of Americans that are obese.

On my way to work yesterday, I was thinking about what shape (physically) I would be in when Virat grows up. I am sure he doesn’t want to have a dad that can’t play some hoops with him :).

So here’s my 2 month resolution. I am starting with a couple of months because there is a good chance that it might become a habit and then go from there :).

  • Exercise for 30 minutes a day (7 days a week)
  • Eat dessert only once a week
  • No krispy kreme
  • No Big Mac
  • No fries
  • No pop

For every pledge I break, I am going to leave work at 5:00 PM for a week. Believe me when I say that is a tough punishment :). You see.. I love what I do :).

Viva La Resistance!!!

HOW TO : Log all commands issued in shell to syslog

Inspired from this blog post by Vaidas Jablonskis.  This tip has been tested on Redhat and Centos distributions.

If you ever wanted to log all the commands issued by users on a server, you can edit the default profile configuration to enable this

  • Edit /etc/bashrc file and add the following at the end of the file[code]PROMPT_COMMAND=’history -a >(logger -t "$USER[$$] $SSH_CONNECTION")’ [/code]
  • Log out and log back into your session
  • Now all your commands are logged in the default log file (/var/log/messages)