Project Uptime : Recap

Final post on Project Uptime. Before I go into the details of how well I fared against the original goals, here is a screenshot of the uptime of the site for the last two weeks.. Hope I can keep that number for the rest of this year :). Recap of the original goals and their status

GOAL : Move to a fresh VM with the latest kernel

  • STATUS : This was successfully completed. Details of the install are here and here.

GOAL : Upgrade to the latest version of Apache.

  • STATUS : Although I didn’t install 2.4 version of Apache as planned, I was able to get similar (or better) performance by installing varnish as a caching engine. Details of thee apache/varnish install are here.

GOAL : Upgrade to latest version of MySQL and tune it for memory usage

  • STATUS : This was probably the easiest part of the project. Details of the install are here. I didn’t necessarily tweak it for low memory usage though.

GOAL : Configure cloudflare to serve a static version of front page, in case the server goes down. Design the static page to point people to my other digital presences (Google+, LinkedIn, Flickr etc)

  • STATUS : Cloudflar doesn’t have the capability to direct static pages if the origin server is down. At least not for the free tier. I also didn’t design a simple page to host my digital presence. Will try to find a good template for it down the road.

All in all.. not bad 🙂