
Overheard : On cutting down “stuff”

We’re good as humans to committing to things that are positive. That’s very motivating for us. We’re bad at trying to avoid things that are negative

Cal Newport in conversation with Tim Ferriss

Cal was speaking about how we are good at adding things that seem good to to us (facebook is good because we can communicate on the fly), but bad at avoiding negative things (being on facebook and doom scrolling is a bad thing). He instead suggests, just using technology for things you like (I will have facebook, but only follow and read messages from folks I want to).

Oveheard : Pain

our ability to deal with pain is directly proportional to our ability to see pain elsewhere.

Subroto Bagchi

Overheard : On appreciation

Everyone needs to feel appreciated. It doesn’t matter what they do, it doesn’t matter who they are, that’s a need in everybody.

– Grace McNiel (Hugh Jackman’s mom)

Hugh Jackman mentioned this quote on a podcast with Tim Ferriss. Highly recommend listening to the podcast. Hugh shared a lot more such wisdom in it. My admiration for Hugh went up a couple more notches after listening to it.

Overheard : Unexpected, Unanticipated, Unfair

Caught this on a whiteboard at work 🙂

In business, just like in life, we are going to have to deal with the unexpected, the unanticipated and the unfair. Those who deal most successfully with all of it are the ones who have the attitude that indeed whatever happens is normal. That doesn’t mean that whatever happens is acceptable or pleasant. But it does mean that changes and surprises are part of life, and we can choose to either roll with the changes or the change rolls over us.