Don’t ever forget where you came from, but always be looking where you’re going.
Micky Malka (Capital Herder and Team Finder) on a recent conversation with Patrick O’Schaughnessy on Invest Like the Best podcast.
AI & Humans
AI will not replace humans but humans who use AI will replace humans that don’t – Dr. Fei-Fei Li
Overheard : On brilliance
Avoiding Stupidity is Easier than Seeking Brilliance
– Shane Parrish rewording Charlie Munger
Overheard : On wisdom
Wisdom is turning your future hindsight into your current foresight
– Shane Parrish
Overheard : On practice
A quote from Japanese philosophy repeated by Coach Paul Assaiante on practice
You cry in practice and you laugh in competition
Overheard : On action and feeling
The way we act determines how we feel way more often than the way we feel determines how we act.
Seth Godin, in a chat with Tim Ferriss
Overhead : Tactic vs Strategy
Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do; Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do.
Savielly Tartakower (French-Polish Chess Grandmaster)
Overheard : On cutting down “stuff”
We’re good as humans to committing to things that are positive. That’s very motivating for us. We’re bad at trying to avoid things that are negative
– Cal Newport in conversation with Tim Ferriss
Cal was speaking about how we are good at adding things that seem good to to us (facebook is good because we can communicate on the fly), but bad at avoiding negative things (being on facebook and doom scrolling is a bad thing). He instead suggests, just using technology for things you like (I will have facebook, but only follow and read messages from folks I want to).