
Overheard : Unexpected, Unanticipated, Unfair

Caught this on a whiteboard at work 🙂

In business, just like in life, we are going to have to deal with the unexpected, the unanticipated and the unfair. Those who deal most successfully with all of it are the ones who have the attitude that indeed whatever happens is normal. That doesn’t mean that whatever happens is acceptable or pleasant. But it does mean that changes and surprises are part of life, and we can choose to either roll with the changes or the change rolls over us.

Overheard : Call to action

I don’t even recall where I heard this :)..  but it stuck with me for me to write it down

For somebody to do something.. three things much happen at once. The person must want do do it, they must be able to and they must be prompted to do it.

A trigger – the prompt for the action – is effective only when the person is highly motivated, or the task is very easy. If the task is hard, people end up frustrated; if they’re not motivated, they get annoyed.