
Overheard : Leadership

Leadership isn’t about being the hero. It’s about empowering your team to become heroes themselves.

Google Gemini

For folks that are driven, wired to see an issue and tackle it head-on, it is difficult to not jump in and “try” to help your team whenever they run into an issue. But the reality is that most folks are capable, creative individuals. They just need the space to flex their own problem-solving muscles.

If you team has the skills and experience, let them handle it :-).

Overheard : On vision

Patrick Collison (Co-Founder and CEO of Stripe) shared this snippet of an internal email that David Stearns (Staff Engineer at Stripe) wrote about Dee Hock. Dee Hock was the founder of Visa and this statement on Dee’s vision really connected with me

Today, I can hop on a plane to most anywhere in the world and use my Visa card to purchase goods and services regardless of the language spoken by the merchant, the currency of the merchant’s bank account, or the time zone difference between the merchant’s shop and my issuing bank. In the 1960’s this was unthinkable. Today’s magic was yesterday’s dream, and Hock was one of the biggest dreamers of all.

Full copy of the snippet below

Overhead : Tactic vs Strategy

Tactics is knowing what to do when there is something to do; Strategy is knowing what to do when there is nothing to do.

Savielly Tartakower (French-Polish Chess Grandmaster)