HOW TO : Enable global reverse proxy with certain exclusions in Apache

Say you want to enable reverse proxy on a site powered by Apache Web Server where all traffic to the web site it reverse proxied to a different server, but you want to exclude certain paths from being reverse proxies. I don’t know why you would want to do that :).. but we ran into that scenario at work and I wanted to document the config for future reference. The picture below shows a high level view of the traffic

  • Ensure the following modules are being loaded in Apache.


LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_ftp_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/


  • In the virtual host configuration for add the following lines


ProxyRequests Off

<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all

ProxyPass /static !
ProxyPass /media !
ProxyPass / http://INTERNAL_SERVER:8888
ProxyPassReverse / http://INTERNAL_SERVER:8888


HOW TO : Trick to find out your IP address from a web server farm

This is a quick trick I came up with to find out the IP address of a client that is trying to access a farm of web servers that you have access to. The diagram below shows the network path for a typical web server.

You have a client that might be sitting behind a (or multiple) proxy server. And there is a load balancer involved because you have multiple web servers for redundancy.

We were recently working on some rewrite rules for our web servers at work and we needed to find out what IP address the web servers were seeing the client traffic come from. Couple of challenges

  • Which web server do you check? The load balancer can send you traffic to any server.
  • What IP address are you going to look for? Wait that is the original problem right :).

The web servers usually write an entry to the error log when they serve a 404 error. So we can use that to figure out which web server you are hitting and what IP address the web server is seeing you as. Here’s the trick

  • On the client side go to http://WEBSITE_ADDRESS/Get_Me_My_IP (or some other URL, which you know doesn’t exist on the web site)
  • On the server side, grep for “Get_Me_My_IP” in the web server error logs

Here is an example, I ran on this website (

root@samurai:/var/log/apache2# grep -i what_is_my_ip access_kudithipudi.log – – [04/Mar/2011:16:07:18 +0000] "GET /what_is_my_ip HTTP/1.0" 40 4 5495 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2 0110218 Firefox/3.6.14 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET4.0E)"

  • From this entry I can figure out that my client is appearing as “” to the web server.

HOW TO : Setup Global Redirect in Lighttpd

If you have ever managed a web application, you know you have to take it down at times :). And you usually want to show an simple page stating that you are down for maintenance. Here is a simple way to setup a “maintenance” splash page. The assumption is that you have a Linux server to host the maintenance page.

  • Configure lighttpd (HTTP Server) on the server using instructions from this article on Cyberciti.
  • Edit the lighttpd.conf file and add the following line in your site configuration

[bash] server.error-handler-404   = "index.html" [/bash]

  • Name your maintenance page as index.html and upload it to the document root (in this example, it is /var/www/html)

You are essentially telling the web server to display index.html whenever the user is trying to access content that is not present on the server. And since there is no content on the server other than the index.html, the web browser will always display the index.html page..

HOW TO : Capture HTTP Headers using tcpdump

Quick how to on capturing HTTP headers using tcpdump on a web server (running Linux).

    • On the web server, issue the following command

      [bash] tcpdump -s 1024 -C 1024000 -w /tmp/httpcapture dst port 80 [/bash]

        • Stop the capture by issuing the break command (ctrl + c)
        • Open the capture file (httpcapture in this example) in wireshark and check out the headers under the  the HTTP protocol

        HOW TO : Configure Cache Expiration in Apache

        Cache servers depend on cache control headers provided by the web server. Essentially, the web server (based on the configuration) specify’s what content is cache-able and for how long. (Note: Some of the cache servers might ignore this and have a default cache period for specific content. But that is not for another post 🙂 )

        Here is a quick and dirty way to configure Apache 2.x server to enable cache control settings on all content in a directory

        ExpiresActive On
        <Directory "/var/www/html/static">
        Options FollowSymLinks MultiViews
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
        ExpiresDefault "modification plus 1 hour"

        This configuration tells apache to enable cache headers for all content in the /var/www/html/static folder. The cache expiration is set to expire 1 hour from the modification time of the content.

        HOW TO : Combining Perl and Zoho to produce reports

        This HOW TO is more for my notes. We had a request at work, where we had to parse some log files and create a graph from the data in the log files.

        The log files looked like this


        I wrote the following perl script to get the log file to look as such

        [bash]| 0m0.107s| 0m0.022s| 0m0.015s| 2011-01-05 | 02:22

        | 0m0.102s| 0m0.024s| 0m0.014s| 2011-01-05 | 02:23 [/bash]

        perl script

        # Modules to load
        # use strict;
        use warnings;

        # Variables
        my $inputFile = ‘input.txt’;
        my $version = 0.1;

        my $logFile = ‘parsed_input.csv’;

        # Sub Functions
        sub Log($$$);
        sub Trim($);

        # Clear the screen
        system $^O eq ‘MSWin32’ ? ‘cls’ : ‘clear’;

        # Open the output log file
        open(LOGFILE,"> $logFile") || die "Couldn’t open $logFile, exiting $!\n";

        # Open the input file
        open(INPUTFILE,"< $inputFile") || die "Couldn’t open $inputFile, exiting $!\n";

        # Process the input file, one line at a time
        while (defined ($line = <INPUTFILE>)) {
        chomp $line;
        # Check for blank line
        if ($line =~ /^$/)
        # Start a new line in the output
        print LOGFILE "\n";
        # Split the date and time
        if ($line =~ /2011/)
        @date = split (/_/,$line);
        print LOGFILE "| $date[0] | $date[1]:$date[2]";
        # Write the value to the output
        print LOGFILE "| $line";
        I then took the parsed log files and imported them into the cloud based reporting engine provided by Zoho at

        The final result are these reports



        Did I say, I love technology? 🙂

        HOW TO : Find out which network port a program is using in linux

        Quick way to figure out, which ports a particular program is using in linux

        [bash] netstat -plan | grep -i PROGRAM_NAME [/bash]

        Example : Check which ports SSH is listening on


        samurai@samurai:~$ sudo /bin/netstat -plan | grep sshd
        tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      5257/sshd
        tcp        0     52     ESTABLISHED 3551/sshd: samurai
        tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      5257/sshd
        unix  3      [ ]         STREAM     CONNECTED     5893     3551/sshd: samurai
        unix  2      [ ]         DGRAM                    5849     3551/sshd: samurai


        HOW TO : Manage startup services in Ubuntu

        Most Redhat/Fedora users are used to chkconfig and service for controlling the services/programs that startup at boot time. Here is how you do it in Ubuntu

        • Check status of a particular service

        [bash] sudo SERVICE_NAME status [/bash]

        Example : Check the status of Apache Web Service

        [bash]samurai@samurai:~$ sudo service apache2 status
        Apache is running (pid 3496).[/bash]

        • Add a service to start on bootup

        [bash] update-rc.d SERVICE_NAME add [/bash]

        Example : Configure squid to start on bootup

        [bash] update-rc.d squid add [/bash]

        • Stop a service from starting on bootup

        [bash] update-rc.d SERVICE_NAME remove [/bash]

        Example : Configure squid to NOT start on bootup

        [bash] update-rc.d squid remove [/bash]

        NOTE : You need to have a startup script in /etc/init.d for the service to ensure update-rc.d works fine.

        HOW TO : Check IO speed on a Linux Machine

        For my notes.. if you ever want to check the IO capability of a disk (local or network) on a linux machine, use the following command

        [bash] dd if=/dev/zero of=test.file bs=4M count=1000 [/bash]

        The above command make a copy of the output from /dev/zero to a file called test.file (you can locate the file on the disk you want to measure) with a block size of 4M for a total file size of 4000Mb.